Wellington Area Fishing Report – 27 July 2018
Winter fishing is at its best this time of year, with good Tarakihi and Blue Cod on both the West and South Coasts. Warehou have shown up as well, with the West Coast holding good numbers. Hunters Bank, North End of Mana and off Boom Rock are proven spots to try on the West Coast, with 30 -40 metres off Lyall Bay and out off Hobart Rock on the South Coast good places to try.
Groper are very patchy on both Coasts once again, with not many fishos reporting fish to be caught. This is for two reasons. One being the weather making it hard to get out, and the other is the fish numbers just aren’t there like they used to be. Maybe we just have to get used to the fact that the Groper fishery is going to get even tougher in the future unless something is done to protect them from overfishing.
Beach fishos have had is tough lately too, mostly because of the typical winter weather. With the Whitebait season not far away, it won’t be long till big runs of Kahawai start to show up along with Trevally. There are a few early spring Gurnard being caught along with some Moki as well. This is very encouraging for the coming weeks, and I am hoping for some light winds and the chance to get out for a fish!
Tight lines