Wellington Area Fishing Report.
West Coast Boat Fishing. With spring only a few day away it is encouraging to see some good kingfish and few snapper being caught on the West Coast for those anglers lucky enough to get out there. We have had several reports of large snapper being caught from Makara up to Otaki, with most fish being between fifteen and twenty pounds. Kingfish have been fairly consistent over the winter months particularly at Hunters Bank and around Kapiti Island, but just like the snapper it is encouraging to hear of them being caught down as far as Ohau Point. Tarakihi and Blue Cod have been caught reasonably consistently on the West Coast in the foul ground behind Mana, Hunters Bank and of course down off Boom Rock.
Wellington Harbour. With the whitebait running the river mouths, there will be some exceptional lure fishing (spinning) for Kahawai. Gurnard are starting to arrive in the harbour which is good for the boat fishermen and the surfcasters. Along with the gurnard don’t be surprised if you catch some beautiful elephant fish, these are usually quite a rare fish to catch with a surf rod but don’t be surprised if you hook into one or two this time of year.
South Coast. In between the gale northerlies and the big southerly swells, those anglers who have been about to get out have experience some fairly consistent bluenose and hapuku fishing for those anglers fishing inshore, just like the harbour the gurnard are starting to show up around Lyall Bay and Fitzroy Bay. What has been surprising has been the exceptional blue cod fishing.
This is the time of year to set your goals for the coming season. Hopefully you have achieved what you wanted to for the winter season and are ready to set some goals for the summer, such as your first kingfish or a snapper over five kg or maybe your first moki from the shore.
Tight lines, and hope to see you out there, Cheers Steve
PS Picture is of me, to remind myself to catch a bigger snapper this coming season!