The Inside Story on Fishing Gear - By The Missus
Most fishos have their favorite local fishing shop haunts, a place where coffee is drunk, the latest and greatest gear is drooled over, stories are swapped and the Missus hangs around looking bored. Gold Tiagras lie next to shiny Talicas. Shimano Baitrunners hang next to Penn Slammer III . The cabinets fog over as eager male faces press against the glass as near life and death decisions are made. You know, men always joke about women and shopping as being, well.....a typically feminine thing to do. But the missus can tell you, men buying a new reel beats the missus hands down in staying power.
Fishermen can be a sneaky lot. The missus may use that line ‘This old thing, I’ve had it for ages” as the new dress is put on for the first time, but fishermen are worse. “No mate I don’t want the box, the Missus will know its new! A few sticky finger prints, several well placed pilchard scales stuck on with PVA glue and a dash of talcum powder to take the shine off the new reel and even the most suspicious missus can’t tell it’s brand new. The best time to buy is when the missus is away on holiday, that way you can spend time in front of the telly cradling the new purchase in eager hands as you spool it up for the very first time. “No no mate” you tell the fellow fisherman behind the counter who offers to do it for you, “its like sex, it needs to be done lovingly at home!”
The same goes for new rods, a quick dash of talcum powder over the shiny new guides and placed lovingly in the rod rack in the garage while the Missus is watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and you’re home free. Another good cover for a new rod is to say it’s been rebuilt, “A new set of guides darling and it looks brand new doesn’t it!”
The Missus does get a laugh at hubby's expense now and again. You can pick the reel dismantler a mile off as with Missus in tow he sidles up to the counter of the local tackle shop with a bag bulging with shinny new parts looking sheepish. “Um my brother, cousin, Dad, mate etc was checking out the drag washers and well, we can’t seem to get it back together, can you help?”!!!!!!!
The Missus is also convinced the packaging is designed more to catch the angler than the contents, the fish. Little packets of 1/0 hooks depicting huge leaping Black Marlin is a must have in any serious fisherman’s tackle box. With names like Black Magic, the Terminator, Taraikhi Terror, Grim Reaper, and Lethal Lures to name a few, the mighty hunter is appealed to. The same goes for rod names - Raider, Strike Force, Dictator, and the Missus personal favorite ‘The Eliminator’ which is what the missus will do if she finds that brand new Alutecnos that you say you’ve had since forever!